Sunday, November 28, 2010


                  While I was doing my usual Facebook lurking the other day I noticed an abnormal amount of political related status updates. Now don’t get me wrong, updating you’re status and stating you’re opinion on current events is nothing new, but that day what I noticed was an abnormal amount of Obama-bashing. Although I am a huge fan of President Obama I do not have a problem with people who are not a fan. I do, however have problems with people that do not support our country’s leader and continually go against him. This includes the unrelenting nastiness, and lack of patriotism, of the Rush Limbaugh types who want everything the President does to fail
                Obama-bashers continually focus on the lack of achievement and change that Obama once promised to the country. How many presidents have faced the series of crises that he has, in such a short time after taking office, and have done so well? As a recent article in the Huffington Post points out, even the media have noticed the gap between Barack Obama's amazing achievements -- health care reform, financial reform and preventing a depression -- and his seeming inability to win credit for them. Why is Obama being blamed and not praised for these achievements?  
                There are many people that seemed to think that he could work miracles and when he did not they were unhappy. There were many people that have one goal, to have him fail. And he has not failed. He has gotten a lot accomplished. Unlike most of the voting public, my mind does not change with the wind. President Obama has the single most difficult job on the planet and he has to clean up over 20 years Republican rule and neglect, two wars that were miss-handled from day one, an economy that was already in a nosedive, and constantly fight with Republican obstructionists. President Obama has had eighteen months to fix all that. The republican senators have clearly decided on a strategy of obstructing ALL action, and are unified in that strategy, slowing or stopping every effort to take some positive action. I think Obama is doing a terrific job of working in this terrible environment, slogging through one horrible problem after another, trying to build some consensus in this divided country. I support him entirely.

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