Thursday, November 25, 2010

Youth Voting

It is a sad fact that statistically young adults in the 20 something age group are not registering to vote. Their decision not to take part in the election process is individual, but many I've spoken to feel voting is a waste of time. They feel disenfranchised from the political system that runs our country, as if their voices are mute. Young adults feel alienated, as if their votes don't count. They resent the increased taxes, additional deductions for Social Security and Medicare. And yet they ignore their opportunity to express themselves. Instead of joining a political party and working to change things, they simply ignore politics.
Old people are the most reliable voters. They have the highest percentage of voters of any age group. And because of that, old people get what they want. If you're running for public office, you better be protecting the interests of old people because old people will vote you out. On the other hand, young people don't vote in large numbers and it's not worth a politician’s time to put a lot of effort in courting the young vote. Not that youth isn't important, but if politician A focuses on the young voters and politician B focuses on the old voters, politician B wins, because old people turn out. Turnout is very important because the people who turn out and vote are the ones that rule. If you don't turn out, you lose.
Even registering to vote sends a message. The government collects statistics on what age groups are registered to vote. If you are registered you become a potential voter. When the word gets out that record numbers of young people are registering to vote, politicians will get the message and will be more interested in what's important to young people. It helps you and young people everywhere if you register to vote.
This world isn't a fair world. If you want to get what you want you have to go out and go after it. You can't count on "them" taking care of you. So if you want to make a difference and be somebody, get registered and go vote.

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